Greti Mayer
Greti Mayer has founded the organization Fermentarium and teaches people about sustainable food and the connection to nature.
Wer bist du?
My name is Greti Mayer (geb. Popa) and I am here first of all to empower me, as conscience.
Was machst du?
I was used to work for the food industry. It took me years to realize that at one point, I was no longer in duty for Me and the healthy people but for corporations, machines and profitable conventions. I was like many others, just a conventional person. At the moment I try to give attention to the small facts/existences from my surroundings, I try to be useful for them and stay in flow. I am motivated by the fact that I am here with many other wonderful creatures on the beautiful earth.
I created a small organisation, named Fermentarium where together with Rosi Winter, we experiement and develop recipes for a sustainable food/ Menü. These kitchen exercises and the good results are distributed to the people who come to our courses and on our social media.
Warum machst Du was Du machst?
I want that the people do not forget all the way/history which brought us here, in 2024. All that the human beings need for its transformation can be deleted very easily in the AI era and would be very difficult to reconstitute if we do not save it properly in/within the artificial intelligence. Until that we have to save it in our emotions and experiences.
There are many people who have no time to think. They have to work for their children, house, car, etc. They act like machines but they do not know that. They need help sometime.
I am here to share with you (when you are ready) what I learn about the plants, the healthy way of eating, the microbes, the interconnection between micro and macro cosmos.