Angelos Chronis

Angelos Chronis

CEO & Co-Founder of Infrared City

Angelos Chronis is not only Co-Founder of Infrared City, but also head of the City Intelligence Lab at the Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna and teaches at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. His research focuses on performance driven design and simulation.

Who are you?

I am Angelos Chronis, an entrepreneur, an architect, a scientist and an educator.

What do you do?

I am the CEO and a Co-Founder of Infrared City GmbH, a senior research engineer at Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH and a course director at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. I have spent the last 15 years developing, teaching and disseminating digital tools for sustainable and climate aware architecture design and planning.

My biggest contribution to making our planet a better place is through my education of generations of architects and planners and the development of new methods for sustainable design of our cities and buildings

How do you motivate yourself every day?

By moving with purpose on everything I do.

Why do you do, what you do?

For the moments that I feel I’ve touched other people with my work and influenced the thinking of others. I want to leave behind the love for designing with and for the climate.


Learn more about Infrared City and his Founder!


Elias Aruna


Alena Schneck & Jonas Zeuner